Project: University of Tennessee Parking Structure, Knoxville, TN

Challenge: Working on High Ground

The University of Tennessee needed concrete washes installed on their parking structure. However, standard construction methods posed a significant challenge – the weight limitations of the structure itself. Traditional heavy machinery could potentially overload the beams.

Solution: Lightweighting the Approach

Our team devised a creative solution to overcome the weight limitations. We performed our work with lightweight equipment and materials. This ensured the safety and integrity of the parking structure while still allowing for efficient concrete wash installation.

Precise Prep & Speedy Pour

Following surface preparation, our crew expertly poured over 4,500 linear feet of concrete washes. The project required precision and focus to ensure proper drainage and a smooth finish, all while adhering to the weight restrictions.

Safer Parking & A Functional Finish

By successfully navigating the weight limitations, our team delivered a safe and functional solution for the University of Tennessee parking structure. The newly installed concrete washes will help channel storm water to the necessary drainage system, preventing potential damage and enhancing overall safety for users.

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